* radiocitizen *

* * * * * R A D I O  C I T I Z E N * * * * *


*** Radio Citizen celebrates the release of their fourth full length album "Silent Guide"  ***

"A musical trip effortlessly guiding you through dark and light atmospheres, Krautrock groove loops, furious free-jazz solos, between Captain-Future-synths, vigorous drums, hushed Rhodes and powerful horn sections.

One can only be very excited about the first live performance of this live recorded Entrückungsmusik, music that carries you away."

(Martin Pfnür, Süddeutsche Zeitung)



* * *  A   F E W   W O R D S    A B O U T    R C    * * *


Radio Citizen was founded in Berlin early this century by composer, musician and producer Niko Schabel.

After Will Holland aka Quantic wooed the californian label Ubiquity with a demo, it released 2006 the first album "Berlin Serengeti". A wild mixture made out of dub, hiphop, jazz and world music, featuring the singer Bajka.

Not only Gilles Peterson was stoked, countless series like grey´s anatomy or californication and Hollywood movies licenced this unique sound.

For the third album, Niko Schabel teamed up with danish singer Natalie Greffel and signed to Jazzanova´s label Sonar Kollektiv. "The Night & The City" was the critically acclaimed outcome, followed by a remix album featuring a broad pallete of club sounds.


In November 2017 the latest album, "Silent Guide" was released on Berlin label Sonar Kollektiv.



* * * R C  ON Tour ***


* * * T O U R  H I S T O R Y * * *

more than fifty concerts in

2017: Zramlfest (Znojmo CZ), Strehles (Rosenheim),Milla (München) 2016: Global (Copenhagen DEN) Gretchen (Berlin) 2015: Houpačka Jazz Festival (Přibyslav CZ) 2014: Milla (München), Jazzfest Brandenburg (Brandenburg), Studenterhuset Odense (Odense DEN), Jazz Festival Copenhagen (Copenhagen DEN), Postna Med Lent Festival (Maribor SLO) 2013: Strom (München), Milla (München), 2012: Import Export (München), Import Export (München), Die Neueröffnung (München), Schwere Reiter (München), Schwere Reiter (München), Ampere (München) 2011: Stall6 (Zürich CH), Kaserne (Basel CH), Hafen2 (Offenbach), Kampnagel (Hamburg), Privatclub (Berlin), Import Export (München), Ostklub (Wien A) 2010: Glockenbachwerkstatt (München), Livingroom.fm DJ-Set (Basel CH), Bassy (Berlin), TwenFM (Berlin) 2009: Badeschiff DJ-Set (Berlin), Kesselhaus (Berlin) 2008: Technische Universität DJ-Set (Berlin), M.J.Wewerka Galerie DJ-Set (Berlin), Open Ohr Festival (Mainz), Bar Tausend (Berlin), Bar Tausend (Berlin), Kalkscheune (Berlin), 2007: Lovelite (Berlin), Fleetstreet (Hamburg), Frison (Fribourg CH), Neuland (München, Lovelite (Berlin), Livingroom.fm DJ-Set (Basel CH), Bar am Lützowplatz DJ-Set (Berlin), Birdland (Wien A), Nu Spirit (Bratislava SLO), Moods Im Schiffbau (Zürich CH), Dachstock (Bern CH), Glockenbachwerkstatt (München), Hafen2 (Offenbach), Fleetstreet (Hamburg), Sinkkasten (Frankfurt), 2006: Lovelite (Berlin), NBI DJ-Set (Berlin), Zentral Randlage (Berlin), Trödler (Berlin)



* * * * *   L I S T E N   T O   T H E   M U S I C   * * * * *


"The trick, though, is that I can talk about the Cuban groove, the bass sound, the horn arrangements-- those freaking saxes!-- but the reason the music works is that it's never any one thing alone making the song go. The music is details upon details, hung meticulously on memorable songs where jazz can casually wave hello to dub as they pass through a pile of drums together. It leaps dozens of genres in a single bound, digs up all those old sounds I love, fits them together, and erects a temple to pop's melting pot." (Joe Tangari, Pitchfork)


* * * * *       B U Y   O U R   R E C O R D S   H E R E      * * * * *

RC Silent Guide - our latest (and in our opinion our best) album, recorded in the mountains

RC - The Night & The City - an ode to the city and all nocturnal feelings

RC - The Remixes - the night and the city for the club

RC - Hope And Despair - the highs and lows, the struggle, the suffering and the joy

RC - Warm Canto EP - a dive into the chiaoscuro atmosphere of the Amerikahaus